About the Dryden Ensemble

Named in honor of John Dryden, the English poet laureate whose words inspired Baroque composers including Purcell and Handel, the Dryden Ensemble specializes in performing music of the 17th and 18th centuries on period instruments. A line from Dryden's Song to St. Cecilia captures the essence of baroque music and our ensemble's philosophy:  "What Passion cannot Musick raise and quell!"

The Dryden Ensemble was incorporated as a New Jersey Non-Profit Corporation in 1994 and received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS in February, 1995. The organization is a registered charity.


Carter van Dyke, President
Gooitzen van der Wal, Treasurer
Jane McKinley, Artistic Director
Peggy de Wolf, secretary
Charles Magee
Judith McCartin Scheide
Barbara Taylor 
Jack Tomlinson
John Dryden (1631-1700)
Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the Dryden Ensemble.
(Ticket sales cover less than half our operating costs.)
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